Universal ID.


Permitting Verizon account holders to sign in to websites and apps with their mobile devices.

Mobile phones have emerged and become part of our life and identity. We now feel comfortable leaving home without our keys and wallets, but not without our phones. Mobile phone is unique to individual users, most users would not share their device because of the unique content they have aggregated.

With these understandings, Verizon R&D wanted to explore: Can our mobile phone be an extension of our identification? Is it feasible from the technical and emotional standpoint?

We built demos, conducted user testing, and presented to Verizon. In the demos, users can easily log into the day-to-day website as long as they are on their mobile devices. Users require to enter a secondary passcode for sites and apps with sensitive information, such as a bank app. Users can manage the login setting in the UID dashboard.


Watchat App.


Logo Works 00s.